Have you ever turned up to a match or competition feeling that you have done everything you could to prepare for it, only to face one setback after another as it unfolds?
You are not alone!
We can do all the preparation in the world to get our body and mind into the right state and things can still go wrong on the day. There are many things that we are simply unable to control in the situation e.g. the weather, decisions made by others, what others around us say or do. The best way to approach unexpected circumstances is to adapt to the situation so we can still put on our best performance. This is however easier said than done.
"We can still put on our best performance"
Winning the inner battle
When our good intentions fall flat, we tend to focus mostly on everything that has gone wrong. “That pass was rubbish” “I can’t serve today” “I can’t get anything right!” These thoughts stay in our mind and we struggle to focus on anything other than our own mistakes. This is our brain’s way of protecting us. It feels threatened so it goes into automatic survival mode without providing us with any useful tools to make the situation better.
Regaining focus
We CAN make the situation better though. Noticing when we get caught up in this spiral of thoughts helps us to respond differently. There is a difference between simply letting these thoughts take over and noticing that they are there and noticing how they impact us. When we notice that these unhelpful thoughts are taking over, we can re-focus on what we want to get out of the match/ competition. Bring simple instructions to mind that help you play at your best e.g. “drive forwards” “stay loud” “keep head up.”
Practice, practice, practice. The more you repeat key phrases to yourself that are helpful for you, the easier it will be to get your head back into the game. Stick to these 3 prompts: PREPARE well, NOTICE thoughts, FOCUS on small tasks that will help you.
Ready to unlock your full potential? Start implementing these strategies today and take control of your mental game. Whether you are a professional athlete or just starting out, mastering your mindset can make all the difference. Get in touch with me today to explore how I can help you reach your next level of performance.