It's Mental Health Awareness Week from 15th - 21st May 2023 and the theme for this year is anxiety. Anxiety is very common and can be experienced at any time in our life.
Read this blog to find out how mindfulness could help you with anxiety.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a way of connecting to the present moment. When practicing mindfulness, we bring our attention to the here-and-now by focusing on an object, physical sensations, an image, or a mantra. This deliberate practice allows us to become aware of things we do not normally notice. Observing our thoughts and feelings non-judgementally, cultivates self-compassion and kindness.
What are the benefits of mindfulness for anxiety?
1. Improves focus
When we feel anxious, our mind is often racing. Our head is filled with thoughts about the future – What if I look stupid? When will I feel better? Bringing our awareness back to the present helps us to focus on what we can do right now.
2. Helps us to cope better
Anxiety can also be accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweaty palms and a tight chest. When practicing mindfulness, we become more attuned with our bodies so can notice these physical sensations sooner.
3. Feeling calmer
Mindfulness leads to a calming response to stress as we develop the skill of observing a situation for what it is. Our mind shifts from thinking about our stressful situation to noticing the experience of it, as it arises. This helps us to let go of unpleasant experiences more easily.
How can I practise mindfulness?
Mindfulness can take many forms. There is no right or wrong way to practice mindfulness. Remember that the aim is to observe any thoughts and feelings that arise without judgement. As soon as you notice this happen, bring your mind back to the present with self-compassion.

Mindfulness is a skill that requires repetition to develop. You may find it hard if you are not used to the experience. Start by setting yourself a small target for practicing mindfulness. Over time, you will find it easier to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine and will reap the benefits it brings.
